Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Change Must Come

"Well, we found out we had changes, so on Monday we had a sweet P-day and played a lot of sports and ate good food.  Then on Tuesday we got up and moved all the stuff out of our house to a new house down the street.  After that we went to say goodbye to a couple of families and when we went to say goodbye to the Villanueva family they had an AWESOME cake that they bought waiting for us.  They are such a poor family.  It is just the mom and her five kids and their house is smaller than my old room and there are just three big beds crammed in there and a tiny fridge and a table and that is it.  I was so shocked that they bought us cake and I felt super sad saying goodbye to them." 

Amazing cake they got for us


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Familia de Oro

"On November 27 we had the baptism of Elena Villanueva and her two sons, Toni and Josue, and Jose Acevedo.  We had about 50 people at the baptism and I heard that usually around 10 people come.  Elder Hatch baptized Elena Villanueva and Jose Acevedo.  One of our recent converts, Marvin, who is really good friends with the Villanueva family baptized Toni and Josue Villanueva.  That was soooo awesome to have all those baptisms!  After that we all went into the overflow of the chapel and watched the new Joseph Smith movie which was sooo good!  We had a few investigators there too and they said they really loved the movie.  Then we all drank juice bags and ate ham sandwiches.  All around it was an amazing day!  Then on Sunday we went to church, with a bunch of people, including investigators, by our sides of course.  The branch president, President Ramirez, confirmed Toni and Josue members of the church, and I confirmed Elena and Jose.  It felt sooo amazing to be able to confirm them members and to be able to give them the gift of the Holy Ghost.  The priesthood is such a great blessing to have in our lives and I am so grateful to be able to have it."

Elder Hatch, Toni, Marvin, Josue, Maria, ?, Jose, Carlos, Lenni, Elena, Grace, me

Elder Hatch, Marvin, and I with everyone about to get baptized 

Golden Family.  Certificate we receive when we baptize a family

Thursday, November 25, 2010


"We had a Thanksgiving district meeting and it was SOOOO AWESOME!!!  First we started out with a hymn of thanks and then a prayer where we only gave thanks.  Then we had a couple cool workshop things on being grateful and then we watched The Best Two Years!!!  That was soooo awesome!!!  When he turned on the tv I thought that we were just going to watch preach my gospel movies like we usually do, so did everyone else, and then when The Best Two Years started playing we all went crazy.  When the opening song played, every single one of us were singing it.  We were all sooooo happy!  That movie is soooo awesome and brings a really good message.  

After that we went to the comodor in Santo Thomas' house, Sister Francis, who is from Virginia, and she made us the BEST Thanksgiving dinner.  We all had to pay her 50 quetzales, but it was soooo worth it.  We had turkey, stuffing, vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy, and deviled eggs.  For dessert we had pumpkin bread and amazing chocolate cookies.  It was sooo good it was sooo fun."

Schedule for the day

Thanksgiving district meeting

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"I am a Missionary!"

"So a couple of days ago it was raining like crazy so me and Elder Hatch put on our rain coats and went out working in the rain.  It felt really cool because it reminded me of the Elders in Virginia that would walk around working in the rain, and it hit me that i am a MISSIONARY!"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What are the Odds?

You might remember this post about packing up my clothes.

What are the odds that someone in Guatemala has my same shirt?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tortilla de Harina Grand Opening

They have fireworks here to announce the opening of a new Tortilla de Harina restaurant

Friday, November 5, 2010

My District with our Zone Leaders

Elders Johnson, Aviles, Chavez (ZL), Nadeau, Hatch, Phillips, Rasmussen, and Clifford (ZL)

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Day at Las Escobas

Elder Nadeau and Elder Hatch

Elder Aviles

Writing my letters

Elder Phillips

Elder Johnson and I chillin in Las Escobas